Wallet Assets
Wallet Assets Guide
In "My Wallet Assets," you can see all of your wallets, the currency you are looking at, the Total Assets you have right now, and the NFTs you currently own. You can also send and receive assets.
Using the SendingMe Mobile App
Once you click "My Wallet Assets," here's what you will see:
Total Assets
Asset Address
Options to Send, Receive, Swap, and Buy & Sell
Own Tokens
Own NFTs
Getting Specific Wallet Information and Cryptocurrency:
Specific Wallet Information: Click "All wallets" and your other wallets connected to your account will appear.
Specific Cryptocurrency: Click "Ethereum" or any currency you are currently viewing, and your various currency options will pop up.
Using the SendingMe Web App
Once you click "Wallet Assets," here's what you will see:
Total Assets
Wallet Address
Options to Send, Swap, and Buy & Sell
Own Tokens
Own NFTs
Getting Specific Wallet Information and Cryptocurrency:
Specific Wallet Information: Click "All wallets" and your other wallets connected to your account will appear.
Specific Cryptocurrency: Click "All Chains" or any currency you are currently viewing, and your various currency options will pop up.
That's all you need to know in your "My Wallet Assets." Let's now move forward by looking into other features!
Last updated