Channel Profile
Welcome to SendingMe, where channel customization takes center stage! Our General Setting feature empowers users to effortlessly create and personalize their channel profiles.
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Welcome to SendingMe, where channel customization takes center stage! Our General Setting feature empowers users to effortlessly create and personalize their channel profiles.
Last updated
Here's a brief overview of the powerful tools available to tailor your channel on sendingMe:
Using the SendingMe Mobile App
Using the SendingMe Web App
To access the general setting,right click on the channel to show options and select settings.
On General settings, various information about your channel can be modify such as;
Set avatar Upload or change the profile picture associated with your channel. This avatar represents your channel in interactions with other users.
Channel Name Change the name of your channel. This is the primary identifier that users will see and use to find your channel.
My Alias in Squad Set or update the nickname or alias you use within the channel. This allows you to have a specific identity within different groups.
Channel Remark Add or edit a remark or description for your channel. This is a brief text that provides additional information about the channel’s purpose or any other relevant details.
Channel Notice Create or update a notice for the channel. Channel notices are typically used to broadcast important information or updates to all channel members.
SlowMode Enable or configure Slow Mode to limit how frequently users can send messages. This feature is useful for managing high-traffic channels and reducing spam.
History Messages Access Control the access to historical messages within the channel. You can set who can view past messages and how far back the history goes.